Robert Howard

Robert Howard was enslaved in Kentucky beginning in 1852.  This third person description gives a very brief overview of his life while enslaved.
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Robert Howard, an ex-slave, was born in 1852, in Clara County, Kentucky. His master, Chelton Howard, was very kind to him. The mother, with her five children, lived on the Howard farm in peace and harmony. His father, Beverly Howard, was owned by Bill Anderson, who kept a saloon on the riverfront.

Beverly was “hired out” in the house of Bill Anderson. He was allowed to go to the Howard farm every Saturday night to visit with his wife and children. This visit was always looked forward to with great joy, as they were devoted to the father.

The Howard family was sold only once, being owned first by Dr. Page in Henry County, Kentucky. The family was not separated; the entire family was bought and kept together until slavery was abolished.

Formerly enslaved person
Birth Year (Age)Interviewer
WPA Volunteer
Enslaver’s Name
Robert Howard1852 (Unknown)Sarah H. LockeChelton HowardDr. Page
Interview LocationResidence StateBirth Location
Marion County, INIndianaClare, KY
Themes & KeywordsAdditional Tags:
FamilyThird person, hired out


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