Amelia Jones

In this excerpt, Amelia Jones recollects her time enslaved in Manchester, KY on the plantation of Maw White,  and his treatment of her and other enslaved persons on the plantation.  She describes the process White used to separate mothers from their children on the day the children were to be sold to another enslaver.  The interviewer then proceeds to describe how Jones’ father and sister were sold and separated from her in a similar manner during her childhood.
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Master White was good to the slaves, he fed us well and had good places for us to sleep, and didn’t whip us, only when it was necessary, but didn’t hesitate to sell any of his slaves, he said, “You all belong to me and if you don’t like it, I’ll put you in my pocket” meaning of course that he would sell that slave and put the money in his pocket.

The day he was to sell the children from their mother he would tell that mother to go to some other place to do some work and in her absence, he would sell the children. It was the same when he would sell a man’s wife, he also sent him to another job, and when he returned his wife would be gone. The master only said, “don’t worry you can get another one”.

The following is also related by the interviewer:

Mrs. Jones has a sister ninety-two years of age living with her now, who was sold from the auction block in Manchester. Her sister was only twelve years of age when sold and her master received $1,220.00 for her, then she was taken south to some plantation. Also her father was sold at that place at an auction of slaves at a high price, handcuffed and taken south. She never saw her father again. She says the day her father was sold there was a long line of slaves to be sold and after they were sold and a good price paid for each they were handcuffed and marched away to the South, her father was among the number.

Formerly enslaved person
Birth Year (Age)Interviewer
WPA Volunteer
Enslaver’s Name
Amelia Jones1849 (88)Perry LarkeyDaw White
Interview LocationResidence StateBirth Location
London, KY, Laurel CountyKentuckyKentucky
Themes & KeywordsAdditional Tags:
Family, EconomicsSold (self or family), Slave traders, First Person, Third Person,


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