Sebert Douglas

Sebert Douglas lived in Kentucky before and during the Civil War.  In this excerpt, he gives several brief recollections: of Morgan’s raid, enslaved persons who joined the Union Army, examples of KKK violence, and what he did after emancipation.
See full document • Visit the Library of Congress to see the original document


I remember [Confederate General John Hunt] Morgan’s Raid. I don’t remember what year it was but I remember a right smart about it. Cumberland Gap was where they met. The Rebs and Yankees both came and took things from old master. I remember three horses they took as well. Yankees had tents in the yard. They were in the yard right in front of the Methodist church.

My mother was Mrs. Hood’s slave, and when she married she took my mother along and I was born on her place. I was the carriage boy in slave times. My father did the driving and I was the waiting boy. I opened the gates.

I remember Billy Chandler and Lewis Rodman ran off and joined the Yankees but they came back after the war was over.

Pattyrollers were about the same as the Ku Klux. The Ku Klux would take the roof off the colored folks’ houses and take their bedding and make ’em go back where they came from.

We stayed right there with old master for two or three years, then we went to the country and farmed for ourselves.

I went to school just long enough to read and write. I never seen any use for figures until I married and went to farming.

Formerly enslaved person
Birth Year (Age)Interviewer
WPA Volunteer
Enslaver’s Name
Sebert Douglas82 years oldBernice BowdenGover Hood
Interview LocationResidence StateBirth Location
Pine Bluff, AKArkansasLebanon, KY
Themes & KeywordsAdditional Tags:
Civil War, Emancipation, Violence,First person, dialect, Klan/mob violence, Union soldiers,


Scott Mitchell

Scott Mitchell lived through the Civil War, though he does not know his age.  Here, he briefly describes his recollection of the war and stories of lynchings and hangings that took place during that time.

*Historically-used terms that are offensive, marginalizing and/or disparaging have been removed from the transcripts and replaced with [redacted].  See more information.
See full document • Visit the Library of Congress to see the original document


Yes, I remember the Civil War, because I was living in Christian County where I was born, right with my master and mistress, Captain Hester and his wife. I was raised on a farm right with the, then I left there.

Yes, Captain Hester traded my mother and my sister, ’twas in 1861, he sent them to Mississippi. When they were away from him about two years, he bought them back. Yes, he was good to us. I was my mistress’ boy. I looked after her, and she made all of my clothes, and she knitted my socks, because I was her [redacted].

Yes, I was twenty years old when I was married. 

I remember I was a boy when they had the Civil War. I remember there was a brick office where they hanged colored folks. Yes, the blood was a-streaming down. Sometimes they hung them by their feet, sometimes they hung them by their thumbs.

Formerly enslaved person
Birth Year (Age)Interviewer
WPA Volunteer
Enslaver’s Name
Scott MitchellUnknownMargaret BishopCaptain Hester
Interview LocationResidence StateBirth Location
Breathitt County, KYKentuckyChristian County, KY
Themes & KeywordsAdditional Tags:
Civil War, Violence,First person, witnessed extreme cruelty, Klan/mob violence,


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