Resources for Educators

Reckoning, Inc.’s collections feature rich source material and inquiry materials aligned to the Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Studies and English/Language Arts.

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The Power of Story: Text Sets

The Power of Story:
Kentucky Black Civil War Soldiers

Exploring History Through Personal Narratives

The Power of Story text sets provide students with a deeply engaging exploration of the contributions and experiences of Kentucky’s Black Civil War soldiers. These resources highlight the courage, resilience, and agency of African Americans who fought for their freedom and the nation’s future. By integrating primary sources, personal accounts, and historical analysis, these text sets allow students to engage with history in a meaningful and immersive way.

Teaching With Inquiry

Teaching with inquiry is an effective and engaging way for students to explore enduring questions of the past and present.

Reckoning’s inquiry materials use the Inquiry Design Model (IDM). The IDM is a distinctive approach to creating instructional materials. It presents a one-page blueprint of the inquiry, from which teachers can create lessons for their classroom.

Go to the Inquiry collection

Reckoning, Inc.'s Inquiry Sources

Kentucky U.S. Colored Troops

Pvt. Charles Mudd, Company C, 108th U.S. Colored Infantry*

In this collection of sources and inquiry-based learning materials, students grapple with the complexities woven into this part of state history, as well as the intricacies of source work. The robust collection of source material for each soldier provides clues about the past, but only if the reader is equipped with the questions and skills to uncover what they have to reveal. 

Oral Histories of Formerly Enslaved Kentuckians

These resources and inquiry-based learning materials allow students to learn about the history of slavery through a collection of oral histories with formerly enslaved people. Using the Works Progress Administrations’ interviews, this source collection includes a searchable database with over 100 oral histories organized by themes/concepts and topics. Each source text page includes a description, excerpt, informational matrix, and links to access the full documents

Learning Exercise

What hidden stories do primary sources tell?

In this lesson, students analyze a primary source by generating questions that surface clues about the experiences of people in the past. Specifically, this task allows students to reflect upon the ways in which education was transformed after the Civil War—specifically through the expansion of education to the Black community. The primary source is a Freedmen’s Bureau record that documents information about the students and teachers of a Kentucky school. The second source is an excerpt from a biography about the report’s recordkeeper, written for Reckoning, Inc. 

*Created for Reckoning, Inc.

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Teacher Professional Development

Reckoning, Inc. is pleased to offer professional development sessions to support the enactment of our inquiry collection. This collection was developed by Drs. Kathy Swan and Carly Muetterties with a team of expert social studies teachers. These inquiry units were designed using Reckoning, Inc.’s rich source collections and in alignment with Kentucky’s social studies standards. 


For more information or to schedule a Professional Development Workshop, please contact us at

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This website is a service of Reckoning, Inc., a small non-profit organization that depends on grants and donations to continue our work. Up to this point, we have avoided putting any paid advertising on our website. If you would like to help us keep it that way, please consider making a donation to our organization.