Church Record

Matilda Ann  Smith  Smith

Page #: 64

Matilda Ann, colored, dau. of Ben Hardin Smith & Isabella Smith, born Aug. 24. Spon: America Smith. (s) D. Russell

Baptism Date: September 29, 1867
Church: St. Thomas   County: Nelson
Birth Year: 1867   Gender: female

Child’s Name
First Name: Matilda Ann  Last Name: Smith  Alternate Last Name: Smith

Mother’s Name
First Name: Isabella  Alternate First Name: Unknown  Last/Presumed Last Name: Smith

Mother’s Enslaver
First Name: Unknown  Last Name: Unknown

Father’s Name
First Name:  Ben Hardin Alternate First Name:  Unknown Last Name: Smith

Father’s Enslaver
First Name: Unknown  Last Name: Unknown

Birth Date: 08/24/1867  Age at Baptism: 1 month

Female Sponsor
First Name: America Presumed Last Name: Smith
Enslaver First Name: Unknown Enslaver Last Name: Unknown

Male Sponsor
First Name: Unknown Presumed Last Name: Unknown
Enslaver First Name: Unknown Enslaver Last Name: Unknown


Born free.

Enslaved by Agent of the Church? FALSE


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