Teacher Professional Development Workshops

Reckoning, Inc. is pleased to offer professional development sessions to support educators in the enactment of our inquiry collection. This collection was developed by Drs. Kathy Swan and Carly Muetterties with a team of expert Social Studies teachers. These inquiry units were designed using Reckoning, Inc.’s rich source collections and are in alignment with Kentucky’s Social Studies standards.

Professional Development Workshops

Our inquiry materials are designed using the Inquiry Design Model, a curricular structure to support inquiry-based learning, and created by the lead writer of the C3 Framework, Dr. Kathy Swan.

The session begins with an overview of utilizing Reckoning Inc.’s resources to support inquiry-based learning. Using standards-aligned inquiry materials, created using the project’s resources, we will walk through their structure, explore how they could be enacted in the classroom, and demonstrate ways teachers can adapt or build their own versions.


To schedule or learn more about Professional Development sessions, please contact us at education@reckoninginc.org.

Teaching With Inquiry

Teaching with inquiry is an effective and engaging way for students to explore enduring questions of the past and present.

Reckoning’s inquiry materials use the Inquiry Design Model (IDM). The IDM is a distinctive approach to creating instructional materials. It presents a one-page blueprint of the inquiry, from which teachers can create lessons for their classroom.

Go to the Inquiry collection

Upcoming Professional Development Sessions

There are currently no upcoming Professional Development Sessions. Please contact education@reckoninginc.org to schedule a workshop in your school district.

Past Professional Development Sessions

They Fought for Freedom:
Black Kentuckians and the Civil War

February 8, 2023
4:45–7:45 p.m.
Frazier History Museum
829 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202

By the end of the American Civil War, Black soldiers made up ten percent of the Union Army, including over 23,000 in Kentucky. Why is it difficult to uncover their stories? How did Black soldiers impact the war? Join us for an evening of discovery as we partner with Reckoning, Inc. to share stories and resources from their KY U.S. Colored Troops Project.


The session begins with an overview on utilizing The Reckoning’s resources to support inquiry-based learning. Using standards-aligned inquiry materials, created using the project’s resources, we will walk through their structure, explore how they could be enacted in the classroom, and demonstrate ways teacher can adapt or build their own versions.


Two inquiry-based units of focus will include: What hidden stories do primary sources tell? and How did Black soldiers bring freedom?


Afterwards, teachers will join the public for a discussion titled “Help Me Find My People: How Archival Documents can Connect African Americans with Enslaved Ancestors.” Reckoning, Inc. will share the challenges of moving past the 1870 “brick wall” when researching African American ancestry—as well as a recent breakthrough that is unlocking a wealth of information and resources for educators and families exploring their genealogy alike.




Intro Session focused on The Reckoning, Inc. Educator Resources:
Megan Schanie, Manager of School and Teacher Programs, Frazier History Museum
Carly Muetterties, PhD, Managing Editor, C3 Teachers and Education Consultant, Reckoning, Inc.


Public Program Moderator:
Rachel Platt, Director of Community Engagement, Frazier History Museum


Public Program Guests:

Dan Gediman, Executive Director, Reckoning, Inc.
Abby Posey, Research Director, Reckoning, Inc.
Jackie Burrell, Volunteer Genealogical Researcher, Reckoning, Inc.
Charles Lemons, Military Historian  


Professional Development Credit:
JCPS has approved 3 hours of PD credit for teacher completing this session. Educators who do not work for Jefferson County Public Schools should check with their individual school or district to request credit approval. A letter documenting attendance will be provided to all attendees.


Special thanks to LG&E and KU Foundation for supporting this program.

Can we count on your support?

This website is a service of Reckoning, Inc., a small non-profit organization that depends on grants and donations to continue our work. Up to this point, we have avoided putting any paid advertising on our website. If you would like to help us keep it that way, please consider making a donation to our organization.